The 2nd phase is the final step in obtaining a driver’s license. It takes place within a year of obtaining a trial license, and lasts one day.
You must have passed your practical exam and therefore have your trial licence to register for the two-phase course. The course must be taken within one year of obtaining your trial licence.
Candidates whose trial license has expired must bring a certificate of extension issued by the Office cantonal des véhicules de Genève.
The goal of the two-phase course is to familiarize young drivers with driving in difficult situations. On a road safety course, the student learns how to control his vehicle in delicate conditions, as well as the basic principles of a more ecological and responsible driving.
This two-phase course allows the recognition of the causes of accidents and the consequences at the penal, legal and social levels. The objective is to make the candidates aware of the risks and to make them understand that they must avoid this type of situation.
Another point is put on the reflection concerning your conduct and that of the other candidates to improve your knowledge. This 2-phase course also allows you to evaluate your abilities to drive in a friendly and environmentally friendly way.
This two-phase course in Geneva is for all candidates who have a trial license. This two-phase course takes place over one day and must be taken within one year of obtaining the trial license.
Our 2nd phase circuit offers courses on weekdays and weekends. If you do not have your own vehicle, you can also rent one for the day of the course.